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Friday, November 18, 2011

Mini papadum with paprika hummus

Today I tried to make mini papadum called also in India papad . It is a kind of Indian flatbread fried, and it is similar to tortilla .
In fact, they turned to be greasy but tasty.
Usually they are made from lentil flour but I tried today to make them with wheat flour, they absorbed a lot of oil while frying.
I used them to serve paprika hummus .In fact they turned up to be tasty but a little bit greasy .
For the papadums , I only mixed flour with salt, mustard seeds , chili flakes , cumin , paprika and turmeric and water
And I kneaded and rolled the dough .I tried to flatten it as much as I could and cut it into small circles .
The papadums are usually dried raw bread which are fried before serving .So I let to dry for 3 hours than fried them in oil ( not so hot).

I served them with homemade paprika hummus which is hummus with paprika .
For the recipe of the humus I used this recipe posted on Grasta blog
Because it is in French I will translate it to English.
2 cup of dried chickpeas. .
1/3 à 1/2 lemon juice .
1/3 cup of tahini.
1 teaspoon minced garlic.
1 teaspoon of baking soda.
salt .

and I added Paprika (sweet paprika).

Soak the chickpeas in cold water overnight.
The next day, drain the chickpeas add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to the chickpeas and leave for 10 minutes .
Rinse well the chickpeas with fresh water.
Cook the chickpeas in boiling water , when the skin of chickpeas starts to float on the surface of the water that means that they are cooked .
Remove from heat , and drain the chickpeas.
In a mixer , puree smoothly the chickpeas .
Add the lemon juice , tahini , salt and garlic to the puree and mix well ( if u want paprika hummus , at this step add the paprika ) .
Rectify the flavors.
It is usually served with olive oil, and Arabic bread .
I served the papadums with paprika hummus garnished with tomato and minced parsley.

Aujourd’hui j’ai tenté de faire des pappadums c’est un pain indien qui est frit.
Le résultat que j’ai obtenu :le pain est trop gras .
Habituellement les papadums sont faites avec de la farine de lentilles , moi j’ai utilisé la farine de blé.
J’ai servi les papadums avec du hummus au paprika.
En ce qui concerne les papadums , j’ai mélangé de la farine , graines de moutarde , cumin , curcuma , piment séché , sel , paprika et eau .
Puis j’ai bien battu la pâte, la rouler .J’ai veillé à ce qu’elle soit fine .Puis je l’ai coupée en petits cercles.
Comme les papadums sont des pains séchés et frits avant d’être servis , j’ai laisser ces cercles sécher pour trois heures .
Puis je les ai frits à l’huile ( pas trop chaud).
Pour le paprika hummus j’ai utilisé la recette de Grasta et j’ai ajouté du paprika au hummus.
J’ai servi les papadums avec du hummus au paprika garni de dés de tomate et du persil haché.

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